@inbook{ SÁEZ_DURÁN_Castro-Gomes_García-ruiz_Martínez_Villegas-broncano:111-121,

author = { MARÍA PAZ SÁEZ PÉREZ and JORGE ALBERTO DURÁN SUÁREZ and Joâo Castro-Gomes and Luisa García-ruiz and Alberto Martínez Ramírez and Mª Ángeles Villegas-broncano } ,

title = { Comparative Analysis of Thermal Behaviour in Heritage in Different Seasons. The Royal Hospital of Granada },

booktitle = { Proceedings of CIRMARE 2023 Recovery, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Buildings },

isbn = { 978-3-031-48461-2 },

publisher = { Springer },

pages = { 111 - 121 },

year = { 2023 },
